Fraser Communications

3 Game-Changing Lessons from Women Leaders: What 200+ Radio Interviews Revealed

Through my radio show, “Why Women,” I’ve had the honor of interviewing over 200 successful women. Each conversation has been unique, but common themes have emerged that are essential for personal and professional growth, and even influence successful strategies in marketing and advertising.

In this article, I’m going to break down three of the most important lessons I’ve learned from these interviews. Please be sure to tune in to 790 KABC-AM, SoundCloud, or Apple Podcasts. And if you’d like to learn more about working with Fraser Communications, a leader in integrating psychological insights into marketing and advertising, please contact us.

Now, on to the lessons.

Lesson 1: Luck Is Where Preparation Meets Timing

When talking with my guests, the role of luck in their success was a recurring theme. However, their luck was not simply about chance; there's more to it than that. Luck could also be considered as the phenomenon of when preparation meets timing. Coincidentally, this is how the Chinese symbol for luck portrays the concept: combining the symbols for preparation and timing.

Success requires skills, positioning oneself in the right situations, and maintaining an open mind to opportunities that arise unexpectedly. In marketing and advertising, this translates to being ready to seize opportunities when they come your way and being adaptable to market shifts and consumer demands.

It’s not just about being in the right place at the right time, but also about being prepared to make the most of those moments. And surprisingly, some of those moments involve asking for assistance.

Lesson 2: Be Willing to Ask for Help

Another recurring theme in my interviews is the importance of asking for help. Many women are hesitant to ask for help, fearing it might make them appear incompetent. Plus, many women are often conditioned to do things themselves and help others rather than seek help.

However, asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of knowing what you need to succeed. This approach often opens the door to opportunities you hadn't considered, including in marketing strategies where collaboration can lead to innovative solutions and enhanced advertising campaigns.

For example, one of my guests, who started at an interior design firm, found unexpected success by simply asking her employer for help, which led to her first major break. Asking for help shouldn’t be a setback. Instead, it can propel you forward.

Lesson 3: Find Fulfillment Beyond Making Money

While making money is an important part of any business, including marketing and advertising, many of the women and men I've interviewed find their greatest fulfillment in something larger than themselves. They are often most proud of their mentoring efforts, philanthropic activities, or other ways they give back to their communities.

They wanted to use the money they made for a purpose. Their most meaningful endeavors were those that helped people in need or had a larger purpose. This sense of purpose becomes an integral part of their self-representation and identity, and it’s a powerful tool in building brand loyalty and trust in marketing.

Unique Conversations with Common Themes

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to interview such amazing, inspiring women (and a few men). Although they’ve each had unique and individual lessons, I’m glad that there are some that are universal to all. If these lessons are so applicable, I think it’s worth leaning into them.

Embracing luck, asking for help, and finding fulfillment beyond money are fundamental to the success stories of many women around the world. They offer valuable insights for anyone looking to achieve their goals while making a positive impact, including those in the fields of marketing and advertising.

Again, please tune in to the Why Women show on:

And if you’d like to work with consultants who take the time to learn from the best across industries and work toward doing good in the world and positive behavior change, contact us at Fraser Communications for a consultation.

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