Fraser Communications

Saying “Just Say No” to “Just Say No” for Teen Cannabis Use: Our Work with LA County Public Health

As California embraces the legalization of cannabis, addressing its impact on young people has become an important critical challenge. At Fraser Communications, in partnership with the Los Angeles Department of Public Health, we've taken a proactive approach to educate teens about cannabis through innovative and relatable strategies.

Here, we will explore our campaign's development and its unique elements, including impactful music videos that resonate with the youth. If you’d like a consultation on how to create an effective, psychology-based public health campaign, contact Fraser Communications today.

Campaign Background: With the goal to inform and engage rather than just prohibit, our campaign shifted the narrative around teen cannabis use. The primary objective was to encourage teens to make informed decisions and delay cannabis experimentation during the crucial years of brain development.

Strategic Approach: Understanding that traditional "Just Say No" tactics have become ineffective, we sought to create a dialogue that teens could relate to and trust. Our approach involved:

  • Interactive sessions We conducted workshops with teens from LA County, allowing them to share their personal stories and insights on cannabis use. These sessions were instrumental in developing messages that were authentic and peer-driven.
  • Youth collaboration. By involving teens in the creation process, we ensured that our campaign spoke directly to the concerns and languages of the target audience.

Once we spoke with the teenagers, we were able to create content that could resonate with them.

Creative Outputs Central to our campaign were two dynamic music videos that combined education with entertainment—a medium well-received by the teens:

  • Kesh Kesh Weed Rap: Watch Video - This rap video features diverse teens discussing the real-life implications of cannabis use, framed within catchy and engaging lyrics.
  • Bigger Choices - Excuses: Watch Video - Focusing on the common excuses teens might use to justify cannabis use, this video challenges viewers to think critically about the choices they make.

We didn’t want to come off as preachy — and we wanted to make catchy songs that stuck with the teens, while educating and stretching their worldviews.

Impact and Results The campaign not only increased awareness but also sparked meaningful conversations among teenagers about cannabis. By leveraging the power of music and peer influence, the videos have become a tool for teens to discuss and disseminate information in an impactful way.

The feedback from the community has been overwhelmingly positive, indicating a shift towards more responsible and informed behaviors regarding cannabis use among teens.

Conclusion Fraser Communications is committed to advancing public health initiatives that resonate with and empower Gen Alpha & Z. Our teen cannabis awareness campaign is a testament to our innovative approach to health communication, demonstrating that when teens are involved in the message creation, the message itself becomes more powerful and effective.

At Fraser Communications, we believe in the power of strategic communication to drive social change. If you're interested in learning more about our methods or starting a conversation about a public health campaign, contact us today.

To see more about how we engage with communities and drive change, visit our Case Studies section for more insights into our impactful projects.

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